“When driverless cars accelerated and decelerated in the style of light rail, the congestion deteriorated from 4 percent to 50 percent and the number of cars traveling through the intersection also fell between 4 percent and 21 percent.” This means that not only was there more vehicles on the road for longer, but less vehicles managed to get through lights which would cause more cars to be stuck waiting for the light to change. Also that only applies to the light rail, when they attempted to do a high speed rail style of smoothness it got incredibly bad. “Delays increased from 36 percent to nearly 2,000 percent and the intersection capacity fell between 18 percent and 53 percent.” Meaning that if the driverless cars tried to do a high speed rail style they would clog up the streets and rarely make it through the
“When driverless cars accelerated and decelerated in the style of light rail, the congestion deteriorated from 4 percent to 50 percent and the number of cars traveling through the intersection also fell between 4 percent and 21 percent.” This means that not only was there more vehicles on the road for longer, but less vehicles managed to get through lights which would cause more cars to be stuck waiting for the light to change. Also that only applies to the light rail, when they attempted to do a high speed rail style of smoothness it got incredibly bad. “Delays increased from 36 percent to nearly 2,000 percent and the intersection capacity fell between 18 percent and 53 percent.” Meaning that if the driverless cars tried to do a high speed rail style they would clog up the streets and rarely make it through the