Early 2015, Google has gotten closer to finish their final idea. In the near future time, many cars are going able to drive on their own without human control. This reflects our present day society because many people are scared to drive like me, and it can be beneficial for blind people to use the Google car, to get to places by just using their voice rather than their eyes that they don't have. The reason the author wrote this article because she is stating that car technology has been growing, and sooner or later, other industries are going to make driverless…
The general argument made by the author Paul Waldman in his work, The Frightening Truth about The Future of Driverless Cars, is; how long it will take for the technology systems to advance to the point where it's possible to have most of all the cars on the road to drive themselves without any danger. More specifically, Walden argues that a sinister tragedy could happen to a person while in a driverless car, and the car wouldn't know to alert (unless makers are already working on that). He writes, "Imagine that you're sitting in the back of a self-driving car on your way to work when you get chest pains and pass out." In this passage, Walden is suggesting that self-driving cars are…
Many popular name brand car companies expect driverless cars to be on the market by 2020, and for all cars to be driverless by 2025. The idea of a car that can drive, navigate, and park itself was an idea only to be heard of in the movies, but now it is in it’s final stages of testing. The self driving car is currently in production of prototypes to be demonstrated to the public by popular name brand companies like: Tesla, Mercedes Benz, BMW, and more. With the introduction of a driverless car, the lives of many drivers will become much easier and create a positive effect.. The self driving car consists of an advanced programmed computer, as well as many sensors that help guide and calculate smart decisions for the car to make. A car that drives…
Some people would say that it’s sophisticated having them. Authors of document D states that self-driving cars will twenty miles per hour and have a GPS. The authors of documents A and B believed that casualties and accidents would decrease as the functions of the cars get better. Others would say that it’s the future, and we should progress with them. Some also would say that it’s cool and nice to have “safe” self-driving cars. According to document D, self-driving cars would have a “laser range finder” and a front that could decrease the severity of the injuries. Therefore, proponents of the self-driving cars, say that the self-driving cars will be the cause of potential decreasing accidents and deaths and is beneficial to society.…
Hackers have not been resolved in this situation yet. The only way to stay safe from hackers is anti virus software and firewalls but anything digital can be hacked. Also one thing to remember is the trolley problem and that there is no right or wrong answers. A self driving car can not adopt ethical decisions especially if the chances are slim tonone(driverlessfuture.com). From here on people should consider these facts, in 2104 in the United States had many fatal incidents including, 9,262 speeding,9967 from alcohol,3179 from distraction, and 846 people from drowsiness(waymo.com). Lastly the U.S. Department of Transportation assigns a value on each human which is $9.2 million. Therefore this is a significant cost savings in many different ways like insurance or health care costs associated with accident recovery alone(auto insurance center.com). Distraction is not an option with this…
Bainwol argues that because these built-in systems allow the phone to connect to the system, there is no need for a driver to even have their phone anywhere in sight. He boldly states that even if it is illegal for Americans to use their phone while they drive, they are going to continue to do so. From these arguments he concludes that the best way companies will be able to reduce the traffic fatality rate is to allow Americans to continue to have technology available to them while in the car. At the same time the companies need to effectively persuade them to only use technology that is provided in the car’s system. Reynolds takes an opposite stance by saying that the risk of crashing is still going to be four times more likely if automakers allow consumers to continue to use technology like they are already doing. He parallels this issue with another issue on smoking in which adding filters to cigarettes does not make cigarette smoking safe. This example aids in solidifying his argument that “impairment is impairment”, whether a driver has access to technology through a hand-held device or a built-in…
Picture the streets completely filled with cars, not moving, going nowhere; an endless standstill of traffic. Driverless cars aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, they can and will cause problems. If driverless cars take over then laws will need to be rewritten, new possibile insurance matters occur, and traffic will increase causing longer commutes.…
Driverless cars are very efficient. When more than driverless cars on the road they use their 3D brain to signal the other cars and “will not suddenly stop, so the gaps between can be shorted” said Tony Borroz. “Intelligent roadways will allow the timing of traffic density and speed.” Some may say that cars controlled by a human is safer because they would have complete control over their own safety, but at the same time humans get into an over one million crashed a…
Autonomous cars have many applications a driver should always be capable of taking over as a safety measure. Putting too much faith into self-driving vehicles will cause people to be less alert they themselves may depend too highly on the vehicle's decision making putting themselves at risk. The authors of a Gale opposing viewpoints article made it known that “At a 2013 technology conference in Las Vegas, researchers demonstrated how the computers in driverless cars could be hacked to making them drive erratically and dangerously. “These virus’ are capable of taking over a car's control system wreaking havoc on the road at any moment. As stated by Zeller “the virus’ supposedly enter the cars over the Bluetooth wireless link that lets drivers use their cellphones to carry on hands-free conversations through the cars' microphones and speakers.” These new devices are flawed misleading car buyers into seeing these system as an improvement reducing the risk while at the same time providing a path to put yourselves in harm’s…
Normally, a person’s main concern is their own wellbeing. However, once a driver gets behind the wheel he/she is now responsible for the lives of the other drivers and…
To conclude, the use of technology is a great threat while driving since the amount of fatalities is…
Distracted driving is a leading cause to automobile fatalities. Distracted driving can range from talking, texting…to eating, and drinking…. This topic has been a debate issue between several experts and U.S. citizens. The Experts have different point of views. One of the experts feels that integrated devices will solve the issue. The second expert feels that law enforcement focus only on texting and driving but there are other driving distractions. The third expert simply says, “If you need to talk or text, simply pull over to the side of the road.” Although, most individuals might think he/she have it under control and can do it safer than other drivers on the road-research shows that even for the so call experts it’s dangerous. Distracted driving should be avoided as much-as possible. In the following dialogue each expert will give his/her point of view on distracted driving.…
This conscience effort will help decrease auto collisions, inadvertent swaying of the vehicle, and the roads for safer travels. Ultimately, if society is more aware of the unprecedented outcomes of utilizing a mobile device while driving, one would be able to decrease the amount of car wrecks, and, more importantly, fatalities.…
The technological information age is the most rapid period of advancement in the history of civilization. This progress is largely made possible by the instant communication possibilities given by the internet. The ability to rapidly distribute information and ideas through telecommunication and the internet has facilitated developments in nearly every field, and thus is viewed primarily in a positive way. However, one must also account for the detrimental effects instant communication has had on society. For drivers aged 16-19, the leading cause of death is car accidents. The largest number of vehicular deaths for the group is caused by distracted…
This article in Penn Bioethics Journal provides the reader with some background knowledge about the ethics of self-driving cars. It is an informative article that provides the reader with examples about different ethical situations that may arise from self-driving cars. This source has a potential to be useful for me because it references a few ethical scenarios that would allow me to go more in depth on and provide my own thoughts on the scenario. Depending on how someone may view this source it could have some limitations to it as it is quite short in length but it allows the reader to think about how they would respond to the different ethical situations provided in the article. The intended audience for this article would be anyone that…