By focusing on performance it gives people the opportunity to see the quality of the worked performed based on their skills and not their personality. This solves the problem by allowing people to be more open minded and look at the important factors. Providing positive feedback or constructive criticism allows for change and improvement, rather than having people upset and resulting in poor performance or high turnover rates. If we examine the environments in which certain behaviors occur than we have begun to define the problem. By doing this it will help to better understand why different behaviors are occurring in specific environments. If we can change the factor in the environment that is causing the problem in performance of the employee than we can eliminate the factor and remove the problem all together. In regards to confirming any improvements in performance as a result of the changing environment. This is simple, anyone that does a job will perform better if they are rewarded. Sometimes all we need is a simple explanation of what’s expected. How can we complete a
References: Modic, Stanley J. Root of work evil; Managers, not workers, cause most problems. Industry Week ed. N.p.: Penton, 1988. 1-3. Print.