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Problems, Violence, Paraphilias, Marketplace
Imagine that your partner (who has not taken this course) begins to experience one of the sexual problems discussed in this section (your choice). Explain how you would probably feel. Also, assuming no physical cause, how would you help your partner understand and resolve the problem?
If my partner would suddenly experience declining sexual desire for me, initially I would be devastated, but afterwards, I would be open to discussing it with him so that we can solve his problem and prevent it from happening again (Connolly, Pamela).
If you were asked to give a workshop to first-year college MEN about dating violence and date rape, what three …show more content…
This law requires states to make information on registered sex offenders available to the public. Do sex offenders have a right to privacy? Should members of a community be informed of all crimes committed by their neighbors? If not, why are sex crimes given a different status? Does community notification of sex offenders really work? The sex offender could always go to another community to offend, right? Does that mean community notification should not occur? What should be done with sex offenders once they are …show more content…
Or is prostitution, by its very nature, degrading and demeaning to the person who sells her or his body to others? Since it is the prostitute who is usually the one arrested and punished, are legal penalties merely another way of victimizing the victim? In addition, if the early family lives of so many prostitutes are characterized by sexual abuse, why don’t people demand a massive program to eliminate child sexual abuse instead of periodically demanding that the police crackdown on prostitution? Does prostitution serve such an important function in American society that we are not really committed to its