Did you know prostitution is commonly known as “one of the oldest professions known to man.” Prostitution started long …show more content…
How would a woman be able to cope with feeling physically, emotionally and mentally tired after being used multiple times a day? One prostitute explains her job as “Paid rape and voluntary slavery.”( Real Harm of Prostitution Farley Melissa) She also adds that she “Doesn't feel like a real human and feels like a cheap commodity.” In addition to feeling like she's living in hell,imagine what horrid things are said about her especially when it comes to having a significant other later in life. Nine times out of ten many prostitutes never get married. Men,women people in general judge prostitutes in many ways. A former prostitute says she been asked “How will a man ever want to be married to you?” some men say “You’ll be taken as a joke.” The majority of society would find prostitution