Sewing, Finishing and Packaging
1. Introduction 1.1 Production Control 1.2 Objectives of Production Planning Control 1.3 Production Planning and Control Functions 2. Basic Garment Process 3. Sewing
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Process Flow
3.3 Production Control in Sewing 4. Finishing and Packaging 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Process Flow 4.3 Production Control in Finishing and Packaging 5. Production Control and Technology
1.1 Production control
The production control activity is a chain of interrelated events that functions as a system. The decisions are made for different horizons in time and with different degrees of accuracy. Yet they must all occur if the ultimate objective is to be met: that is, to use limited resources effectively to produce goods that satisfy customer demands and create a profit for investors.
In any manufacturing enterprise production is the driving force to which most other functions react. This is particularly true with inventories; they exist because of the needs of production. So, production planning and control is vital for any manufacturing enterprise.
1.2 Objectives of Production Planning Control
The ultimate objective of production planning and control, like that of all other manufacturing controls, is to contribute to the profits of the enterprise. As with inventory management and control, this is accomplished by keeping the customers satisfied through the meeting of delivery schedules. Specific objectives of production planning and control are to establish routes and schedules for work that will ensure the optimum utilization of materials, workers, and machines and to provide the means for ensuring the operation of the plant in accordance with these plans. The intentions are to:
* Meet- customer order due dates * Maximize- utilization of labor, materials