In working out your responses to the Discussion Question, you may choose examples from your own experience or find appropriate cases on the Web that you feel able to discuss. Credit will be given for references you make to relevant examples from real companies. Please read widely and cite and reference all your sources, as per the Harvard Referencing System.
Compose a synthesis of the lessons from the Wong text pages 149–165. Develop your thinking with wider academic support in order to bring out your understanding of the terms used, including: * Personal space, culture, individual versus community orientation, respect for authority, non-verbal communications, the value of time, valuing cultural diversity on teams, and impact of different generations in the workforce
Provide examples from your experience or examples you can find that further illustrate these factors.
Please submit your initial response through the Turnitin submission link below in addition to posting it to the Discussion Board thread.
Week 4 Individual Project
Individual Project: Project Proposal
Your task for Week 4 is to prepare a project proposal on how to set up the start-up company successfully, while ensuring that the executive team and the supplier teams remain motivated. Your proposal must indicate all the tasks that you will complete to ensure a successful start-up along with the schedule for completion of these tasks. Your proposal should have a brief project introduction, a problem statement, the project objectives, and conclusion. All references should be in the Harvard Referencing System.
One example of a project proposal can be found at the following Web site:
Plutonic Power Corporation East Toba River and Montrose Creek Hydroelectric Project proposed construction schedule [Online]. (n.d.). Available from: (Accessed: 15 September