Widget Company is the family owned and headquartered in St.Louis, Missouri and has a loyal customer base. It attributes its marketplace success to innovative procedures and customer responsiveness. Widget is an early adopter of technology innovations that have been thoroughly proven in the industry. In the past two years, the CEO and VP of marketing have been increasingly enthusiastic about the use of the online website to expand their customer base and reduce the cost of doing business. They’ve eagerly watched the trends of online ordering and changes from traditional EDI. During the last executive meeting, customer requests for additional services were discussed including: on-line ordering, wireless devices for inventory management, use of industry business to business exchanges and portal technology applications. The CEO has requested that the IS department develop proposals for several technology projects.
Two projects h to provide the online services to customers are: * Development of online ordering portal- This is an interface where customers browse, check and order our products online which will be delivered at their doorsteps * Wireless inventory management- It is required for a real time tracking of inventory to reduce human effort and better the system
1. Development of Online Ordering Portal:
The online portal requires a Web framework for user interaction having modules for user registration, Product management, Product search and display, Customer management system like customer support through chat, Selling activities, payment gateways to make online payment. Also it will have the admin and a feedback system.
Technical Documentation:
Document | Summary | CRM User Guide | This document is created to help technical peoples who are using CRM module | Product Management user Guide | This document is created to help