1. Brief Introduction of the Research
Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best practice. The result is often a business case for making changes in order to make improvements
2. Introduction of the Organization
Shoppers’ Stop is the pioneer in the Lifestyle/fashion Segment of retail stores. It belongs to K. Raheja Group and was started in India in 1991, headquartered in Mumbai. It has 200 Stores at present and plans to expand further in the near future. It faces heavy competition from stores like Pepe jeans, Globus, lifestyle, Westside and Pantaloons. With malls springing up the competition is getting stiffer.
The need for the study arose because in the past few months Delhi has seen a lot of new entrants and also competitors opened up multiple stores .with such hard competition it becomes necessary for any company to maintain customer delight and ensure that service standards are maintained vis-à-vis competition.
All stores offer various services to customers. Each store has a different set of service standards to sustain and win over competition; the main objectives of the study was to Benchmark Shoppers’ Stop with similar format stores based on service standards and also find out what factors have to be modified/improved. There were a few limitations like respondent bias; inaccurate response and hence arriving at accurate result were difficult.
3. Objectives
To study the Benchmarking Service standards of Shoppers’ Stop with similar Format stores. • To identify top of the mind recall of format stores. • To suggest means of improving “Shopping Experience by enhancing the deliverable the parameters.
4. Methodology
The research design was descriptive in nature. Primary data was collected by survey using a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from the