Compare the characteristics associated with active support and the hotel model in relation to an individual’s support.
The hotel model is where support staff does things for people and they become observers in their own lives. Active support is a way of ensuring that people are able to engage and participate in their own support.
Promote individuals independence making environments easy to maintain and comfortable for people.
Support informed choices putting in place communication boards showing information in a way that is understood by the individual Improve quality of life by making an individual’s choice of activities, food. Person centred so that they enjoy what they do in life therefore making them happier. Active support is the best choice because it gives independence to the individual.
To promote an individual’s independence, professionals should encourage and support them to take part in social, economic and cultural activities and join networks in the community. Independence means self determination, respect and equal opportunity. People living with one or more long term conditions have the right to decide what support they need and from whom. To promote independence, professionals should: enable individuals and their unpaid careers to take part in a range of activities and join networks in the community help individuals to use equipment to aid their independence.
Among the changes were the helps you make more informed choices Decisions are made each day within an organization. Most occur without actually identifying what. What would the person like to wear? What time would they like to eat? What activity would they like to do?
I will need to develop a clear understanding about the individuals I work with spending time with them & get to know them, what their needs, their culture, their means of communication, their likes and dislikes, their family, friends, any other