Learner name
Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate)
( Observed by your assessor
( Seen by expert witness
( Seen by witness
( Self / reflective account
NB. Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. There is a separate sheet for recording these. The person who observed/witnessed your activity must sign and date overleaf.
| | | |Date of Activity |
|Unit(s) |Learning outcome|Assessment criteria |Evidence |
| |(s) | | |
| |1.1 | |The hotel model is where staff take over the service users life, the service user has no say or |
| | | |input into his/her own life, however active support puts the service user in charge of his/her own|
| | | |life and just provides the support that is needed to enable the service user to fulfil his/her |
| | | |tasks. |
| | | | |
| | | |Promoting independence- to encourage service users to do as much as they can for themselves and to|
| |1.2 | |support them making choices. |
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