1.1 There are many different reasons why we communicate. One of the main reasons we communicate is to express are needs. This starts from when we are babies crying to alert those who are caring for us that we are hungry, tired, scared, hungry or simply want some comfort. As we get older the reasons for communication increase, we use communication to socialise , build relationships and maintain those relationships, also to express are feelings, share ideas and information or maybe our own experiences. The main reason for communication is to give a message of information to the other person- the receiver. When communicating their is always a sender and receiver.
1.2 It is essential that we build relationships with the children and young people that we work with, their families and the colleagues we work with, this will allow you to work together effectively. The way we communicate has a strong impact on the relationships built. Good communication skills will build good relationships and vise versa bad communication will build bad relationships. This is because relationships are influenced by the way we use different forms of communication like spoken language, body language, facial expressions and gestures. When working with children and young people these forms of communication are highly important, as we need to extract information, thoughts and feelings from them to appropriately help them and do accurate hand over of information to colleagues.
2.2 When trying to communicate effectively you must consider the settings as a whole. For example your environment; are your surroundings going to breech trust and confidentiality, is the message you need to get across that important that it needs to be said at that presice moment in time or can it wait, or is the sender or receiver emotionally ready for communication are they angry, sad or happy so your message scan be