Title: Attention to that!
Objectives: * To encourage students to throw their trashes at the right place * To help protect the ozone layer * To maintain cleanliness in the school campus * To encourage students to recycle
Execution Plan A. Implementing Group or School Organization It will be better if the GPTA will act upon these for they are the elected leaders who will guide each and every student. B. Target Audience This proposal will be for the students wherein they will recognize what is the importance of that recycle bin. C. Target Date It can be implemented by the next or the following school year (2014- 2015). If possible, it would be better if it will be on June 2014. D. Target Venue These trash bins will be located in front of the canteen and near the school campus gate. E. Implementing Procedures * Get permission from the school administation. * Research on what materials will be used and how much it will cost.. * Plan your design. Sketch out the images you'll be painting on the side of the bins. Make sure the pictures clearly represent things like cans, bottles, etc. * Start painting. • Paint the entire bin in a bright color to draw attention. • Once dry, paint on pictures of things that go inside in a darker color (i.e. glass bottles, aluminum cans, etc.).
Budgetary Requirements - (6) Recycle bins..........................................................................................5000.00 pesos - (3) gallons of neon-colored paint..............................................................600 pesos - (2) paint brush/ roller................................................................................200 pesos
* NOTE: The amounts entered above are only