This paper presents statistics on major factors that affects the property crime rates in the U.S.
The property crime rates of 45.7% occurs more in urban areas. About 16.8% of the crimes were committed by high school dropouts and only 0.4% of the crimes that occurs were related to the population density. The type of property crimes that happens includes larceny-theft, home burglary, home invasion, grand theft auto, forgery, and arson. These types of crimes may be caused by factors such as high school dropouts, the population density per square mile, and people living in urban areas. The paper will focus on the crimes against properties such as larceny-theft, home burglary, and grand theft auto, not a person.
Crimes of property happen more often than other crimes. Larceny is a type of theft when someone takes something that does not belong to them. Home burglary is breaking into a private resident with the intent of stealing something. Grand theft auto is an act of stealing a motor vehicle.
Are the property crime rates higher in urban areas? Does the level of education have any effect on the percentage of crimes that are happening? How about the percentage of people living in a population per square mile? All of these factors may play an important role with the number of crimes that are happening today.
Louis J. Moritz, an Operations Manager, collected data from a variety of U.S. government sources. He provided a sample data set of 8 randomly selected factors from 50 states. From those random samples, I used the percentage of dropouts, the size of the population density, and the percentage of residents living in urban areas per state to compare to the percentage of property crimes being committed in the U.S.
Multiple Regression Output:
• I identified the individual p-value to test the significance of each of the proposed independent variables
• I used the multiple regression equation of the least squares point estimates of ŷ =
References: 1. Smith, Bryant. (2010). Property Crimes. Practical Data Analysis, Volume II, E-book. (pp. 805-807). New York, NY: The Tim McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. McGraw-Hill, Irwin. (3rd Ed.). (2010). Essentials of Business Statistics and Applied Managerial Statistics Cases (pp. 2-809). New York, NY: The Tim McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.