Say America and most people automatically think freedom. Yet, what is the nature of this freedom? Surely there are restraints to it. There are of course. These can be found in our Constitution. In spite of the rules placed, Americans are still able to enjoy the rights that many other countries can not. Americans can enjoy freedom of speech, women are able to hold positions of power and no American has to worry about their basic human rights being stripped of them. Again, all this freedom while great doesn't come without consequence. …show more content…
For the most part it is. Still there remains that gray area that intersects with hate crime. Take for example WestBoro Baptist Church. A group that is notorious for picketing Funerals of Soldiers and gay people. Not to mention their picketing of the Holocaust museum. An act that would make most cringe. Despite these hateful acts, they're still allowed to continue, due to it being a form of expression.
Is it right for Americans to be able to do this? The answer is no. Americans should be responsible enough to use the freedom that they have earned. Being American isn't just about freedom and being able to enjoy it. A true American uses their freedom responsibly. They use the