Citizens’ tax money is used by courtrooms to carry out the executions. According to the article, Judge McCartin Turns against Death Penalty by Gordon Dillow explains the execution of inmates is: “It's a waste of time and taxpayers' money.” Judge McCartin acknowledges that, "It cost 10 times more to kill these guys than to keep them alive in prison.” Unfortunately, D.P cases occur a lot since the courtrooms come up with erroneous jurisdiction over inmates’ cases: The judicial system spends taxpayers money in revising documents, evidences, and appeals. For instance, the book Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean compares the prisoners’ execution costs more than life imprisonment in the state of Florida: “the cost of an each execution is approximately $3.18 million, compared to the cost of life imprisonment for (40 years) about $516,000” (129). These quotes assimilate in clarifying that it is cheaper to hold the inmates alive in prison rather than execute prisoners and invest high amounts of money on …show more content…
Further, Sister Prejean in her book points out that, “Justice William J. has witnessed over years and renders the graphic description of state t electrocution.” As well, Prejean introduces his honest opinion about the D.P. electrocution: The prisoners’ body parts, soon as the current is applied it turns red, white, and the strings of the neckline “stand out like steel bands.” The electricity energy is too potent that inmates “eyeballs sometimes pop out on their cheeks and afterward prisoners often defecates, urinates, and vomits blood and drool.” Once the assign doctors examine the inmates’ body by autopsy, they found out roughly organs damage and burning “that doctors said it could not be touch by the human hand” the corpses are severely injured and establishes the electrocution by electric chair is brutal, cruel, and physical torture. Thus, are the concerns to eradicate the capital punishment? Since the (U.S. Constitution) makes clear in the eighth amendment, the part “Cruel and Usual Punishment.” The article stands, to prohibit the federal governments and states to overuse their power on cruel and unusual punishment, including torture. In short, expresses to do not use excessive punishment while judging an