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Zachary Latimore’s presentation on Why College Should Not Be Free made an impact on me because
he highlighted points I never thought of well. He mentioned how the middle class would be financially affected. He also pointed out how the value of a bachelor’s degree would decrease: Latimore’s points were well executed. If I had the opportunity to approach this topic,
Joel Palomino Sr. is the pastor at my church La Potencia de Dios. He has a democratic leadership style as he values much of the congregations’ opinions and needs: he adapts to his group’s needs. He is a great leader because he is motivated to lead; the motivation makes him feel passionate and that transfers to the congregation when he preaches. Mr. Palomino is also very knowledgeable about his preaching’s and that leads to him being trustworthy. He has a sociable style communication skill which makes him an easy listener and caring man. Open-style communication skill is also something that he holds; this skill allows him to become closer with people and makes him more inspiring.