Cell phones send out signals that tag the location of the user, Google searches are recorded, social media outlets capture every detail you post and now all of the photos taken have the date, time and location of the moment it was taken embedded into the photo. Our daily drive in the car is basically tracked using cameras on traffic lights and security cameras on buildings. After interconnecting cell phones and cameras it’s easy for anyone to know what you do daily. There are even databases that track and record our choice of what we watch on TV or Netflix; so that really leaves very little that the government does not keep an eye on. Our internet usage is also being monitored via the …show more content…
(2013). The Pros and Cons of a Surveillance Society. The New York Times.
Gallington, Daniel J. (2013). The Case for Internet Surveillance. U.S. News
Sulmasy, Glenn. Why we need government surveillance. CNN.
National Security Agency. Mission. NSA.gov
Weisbaum, Herb. Who’s watching you online? FTC pushes ‘Do Not Track’ plan. NBC