Elizabeth Egan
English 10 Acc
2 March 2015
Sex Workers: A Crimeless Profession
For generations, people have sold their bodies; sex for money.Whether selling their body is because of financial problems or just because they are putting a skill to good use, this occupation is one of the oldest professions in history. When providing services, these workers are often abused, not protected, and are thought of as lesser beings because of their profession.
Prostitution should be legalized in order to protect prostitutes from abusers, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and elevate the status of women by eliminating the stigma associated with prostitution.
If prostitution is legalized, prostitutes would be safer than they are now. Abusers would be taken off the streets, so prostitutes would feel safe to call the police if abused, beaten, raped, et cetera. For example, the legalization of prostitution in Rhode Island proved to, “...convict three times the number of rapists...than in previous years.” Rapists knew that if they were to be forceful with a sex worker, then they could be convicted and charged for rape with almost no problems. The legalization of prostitution would discourage buyers from abusing their purchase.
If prostitution is legal, prostitutes will feel safer to call the police because they are not breaking the law. According to a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research, making the selling of sex legal proves to have a beneficial outcome, “...the oldest profession was not a crime in Rhode Island and public health and public safety substantially improved as a
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result.” Providing sex is the oldest profession and these services are not going away anytime soon. The result of these services being licit is better health and safety for everyone. Some people would say that people should speak up for themselves. The legalization of prostitution would give these sex