Specific Purpose: To inform on the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing the practice of prostitution.
I. Attention Getter: If we are going to have a worthwhile discussion on the topic of legalizing prostitution there are a few cultural biases we will have to work through. The most important is the correlation we maintain between the human trafficking and prostitution.
II. Listener Relevance Link: You have all probably seen a streetwalker late at night and you were probably aware that what she was doing was illegal. However, you were probably not aware of the rising debate about legalizing prostitution.
III. Speaker Credibility: After researching the topic extensively, I am here today to present you with the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing …show more content…
Subpoint: If prostitution is legal it would free up need police assets currently being wasted on arresting prostitutes. 1. Data of support: According to an LA Times article, in some of America’s biggest cities law enforcement spend on average two thousand dollars every time they arrest a prostitute; this amounts to nearly $120 million dollars a year nationwide. 2. Data of support: The most severe punishment for prostitution is up to a year in jail. However, this ruling is rare and usually saved for repeat offenders. At worst people arrested for prostitution will be subjected to a fine or probation and then let go.
I. Summary: To conclude today I have informed you about the pros and cons of legalizing prostitution. We went over the moral, ethical, and practical reasons against legalization. Additionally, we discussed how legalizing prostitution would make it safer and cost less money.
II. Clincher: Prostitution is a difficult topic to debate and discuss; this speech has barely scratched the surface. However, I hope after hearing it you have gained some insight into the debate.