The government agency implements Elektronik Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (EPBT) system. They started implementing EPBT system during the year of 2008. This system was first introduced by vendors that required these government agencies to purchase it. So at first, most government agencies refuse to use EPBT as they need to buy the system. Then only, Kementerian Perumahan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPJT) introduced this system to be use by most of government agencies for free. KPJT send out their executives known as F21 executives to each government agencies to train and teach the staffs on using the EPBT system. The previous system used by the agency is MPK system. The reason why they change to the new system that is EPBT is because of the flaws of the old system. The EPBT system software is called EPBT oracle while the old system software is called MPK visual basic. Each department in the agency will have the power to authorize the system and keep record online. However, the system can only be access online within the building or in other words intranet. The agency also keeps record and closes the account on daily basis.
• Responsible in planning and developing the territory to achieve the planned goal.
• Responsible in setting the ground rules that associates with planning and developing of land and building in its territory.
• Plan and execute many economic development programs with coordination, helping and cooperating with the local and federal government.
• To ensure all the buildings that they had built do not exceed the needs of Laws of Building and in accordance with the physical rules and regulations that had been set.
• To ensure the planning and development projects infrastructure maintenance is well monitored for the benefits and comforts of the public.
• Establishing a fair tax and leasing system through effective