This week I really focused classroom control. I focused on rewarding the students with independent time if they were focused and were making a genuine effort with their work. This was worked really well with my third period class. But, I am still struggling some with first period, however I think we are making progress.
I think first period is such a struggle because of the wide range of needs and the class has a total of nine students, which is mass capacity. There is also a huge problem with students being absent and I have struggled coming up with a fair way to catch everyone up. I have had two “catch up” over the course of the four weeks to help students catch up with assignments. This week I finished my unit on photosynthesis and cellular respiration and gave my post-assessment. When I compared the scores between the pre-test and post-test, all the scores went up. The students did a review packet, food web activity and began a few days’ instruction on ACT …show more content…
Two were “bad” phone calls and one was a positive phone call. I have several students I am concerned about in first period. One student refuses to do work. He refused to do any work on Monday, did not show up Tuesday, did some work Wednesday when I explained what he needed to do, but then suddenly through a fit about needing a break. I was going to give him one, but because he made such a distraction, I instead I let my teacher have a private conference with him. I had consulted with all students about their grades and areas of improvement. So, I have been trying to work with him on taking responsibility for his grades and coming to class prepared. On a positive note, I have a student that frequently misses class come in, completed all her work without refusals and I called her mother to let her know how awesome she was doing and it turned the student’s attitude completely