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Introductory Paragraph: This is where you will introduce your Community Center to the City Council, ask for their consideration of your expert opinion on these specific rooms, and identify your main goal (your thesis statement) for each of these activities.
1. Age Group #1 - Infants
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 2.This is where you will identify and explain your second activity
Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first activity.
Paragraph 3.This is where you will identify and explain 1 specific item needed for this age group
Address why theory and research suggests that this item is important for the city council to consider purchasing for the children.
Provide a link to where the item can be purchased by the city.
2. Age Group #2 – Toddlers
Paragraph 1.This is where you will identify and explain your first activity
Describe the theory and/or research which support the use of this activity
Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, and/or socioemotional development
Address at least one issue of Health and Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, and Gender and the roles they play in your first