How do The public services ensure they have a diverse workforce?
The public services ensure they have a diverse workforce in many ways, The main way they maintain a diverse workforce is by offering a place in the work place to all people no matter what your skin colour or you cultural background, another is they will accept anyone no matter what their religion.
The public services also put out schemes, like they will put out polls about having a diverse workforce, they also place emphasis and trying to involve usually over looked groups and communities, including gypsies and travellers and other upcoming communities.
Some of The public services like the police also staff support groups for disability, gender, race, religion and sexuality, are in place and say that they are valued by the organization.
Policies and procedures –
Equal opportunities – The public services make sure they offer a chance to everyone no matter what your skin colour, religion, ethnic/cultural background.
Grievance procedures – This is where standard steps should be taken when someone in the workforce has a problem which is unable to be solved informally. Like being bullied or treated unfairly.
Bullying & Harassment at work – There are policies put in place with-in the public services that are designed to deal with behaviour that could be classed as behaviour or harassment, these policies decide how the matter should be dealt with.
Bullying and harassment can cause people a lot of stress in the workplace and can even cause people to leave due to the matters, which could cause the service offered to be less effective.
Recording and monitoring of equal opportunities data and complaints - The public services are responsible for making sure they have equal opportunities, as they are funded by the government. The government ensures that the public services keep records of recruitment and complaints and how the complaints were dealt with and resolved.