The story revolved around Puffy's journey in finding a rat. Along his journey, he met what he considered a "formidable foe" who had qualities and "skills" that were new to Puffy. This encounter led to Puffy running straight home and it left Puffy with a life lesson - which he now lived by.
What I liked most about the story is that it had educational value added into it. The story itself was delivered in poetry form, which serves as a good introduction for children on rhyming words. The story, however short it was, successfully delivered a moral or a lesson, which a child can apply in real life. I also liked that the story allowed room for improvement in a child's vocabulary. The words used in the story were not all basic words nor were they too advanced that even parents or grown-ups would question what the words meant. The words used were at a level that was just right. …show more content…
The colors and drawings used were effective in capturing a child's attention. The book was also a quick, short, and light read. The book was straightforward and was not lengthy. I found this as a good characteristic because some lengthy children's books, when being read, tend to lose children's