Q1 What does this symbol mean (AC 1.3,1.6)
Q2 Where would you use the following within you’re work area (AC 1.4) RPE______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q3 If you see this safety sign what does it mean (AC 1.3,1.6)
Q4 What is the minimum PPE requirements for the site you are working on (AC 1.4) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q5 What would a fire extinguisher be filled with if it had a cream coloured band and what type of fire would it be used on (AC3.7) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Q6 If a notice displayed this sign on equipment you were operating what must you do (AC1.3,1.6)
Q7 Where would you store your tools and equipment once you had finished with them (AC 3.4,5.1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Q8 If you had a accident on site what would you do (AC 3.6)