The famous essayist Bacon has warned against the friendship between a very rich person and a very poor person. Economic disparity damages friendship. Thus friendship is a feeling of affection between two likeminded persons of uniform status.
It is said that a friend in need is a friend in deed. There may be many friends at the time of prosperity. But most of them desert at the time of adversity. We can examine the sincerity of a friend during our time of hardship and trouble. Only a sincere and faithful friend remains with us at the time of our trouble. All others leave us. It is very painful when our friends turn traitors.
Money is an enemy of friendship. Everybody has an attraction for money. When lending or borrowing of money is done between two friends, there is great risk. Friendship may be affected. So it is wise for true friends to avoid monetary transaction. Vanity is another element which breaks friendship. Everybody has self-respect. When a person tries to criticise his friend, their friendship is affected. So friendship must be treated very delicately.
Very often some hypocrites pretend to be friends. They are more dangerous than avowed enemies. By telling soft words they bring enormous ruin to us. A true friend never exploits. He rather surrenders. But at present, the meaning of friendship has changed.
There are many fair-weathered friends. They terminate their friendly tie as soon as their interests are fulfilled. It is very difficult to find a true friend today. It is better to establish true friendship with either a dog or an elephant. Both these beasts will remain faithful to their human friends. Today, friendship between two persons is short-lived.
Good friends exercise good influence. They always help their friends, in distress and inspire them to walk on the right path. But evil friends ruin us completely.
Friends are very important in our lives. Friendships are easily formed when we are young and do not demand too much out of it. According to studies and research, humans tend to form highest number of friendships at kindergarten and primary level. However, one tends to have less friends as one grows older and wiser. This is because we realize there are good friends and bad ones.
The saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed is very apt in this scenario because good friends are those who are reliable and trustworthy. at a younger age, our demands are not too high regarding friendships as we rely mostly on our parents, siblings and relatives for important things. The friends we formed at this age are merely considered playmates rather than companions and confidants. Thus, our expectations of them are not high.
More serious friendships are formed when one enters puberty and achieves certain level of maturity. the latter allows one to forge fellowship with those who share the same interests, passion as well as similar moral and religious values. Thus, it is not surprising to observe that in some Asian country, mature students at the upper secondary level have friends of the same ethnic and religious backgrounds. At the university level, it is even more apparent. Even the Ministry of education has voiced concern over this phenomenon where polarization is prominent. The Indians, Chinese and Malays hardly mix with each other and are seen usually in the company of their own kind.
One of the main reasons for polarization among university students is that as they reach a certain level of maturity, common binding factors such as religion, customs and traditions play important role in selection of friends or mates. In addition, since majority of these students come from rural backgrounds where there is not much cultural interchange, they feel rather awkward to forge friendships with students of other races. However, this does not mean the students are racist or suffer from superiority complex. Thus, the university should introduce more programs that allow cultural and religious mixing and understanding of the other.
Nevertheless, in the working world, a different scenario prevails. One finds Indians, Chinese and other races forging stable and long lasting friendships. This is most probably due o the fact that to be productive in one's work, one has to believe in team work. The latter actually enhances the bond between the workers and eventually long lasting friendships are formed. In fact, this situation has even led to many inter racial marriages between the three major races. the products of the intermarriages are very unique as they have friends and relatives from both ethnic backgrounds.
As everyone knows, friendship is one of the most important things in our lives. Sometimes we cannot live without friends. According to relationship, we have to make friendship with good friends to get benefits. On other hand, we have to be optimistic although we have some bad friends in our lives and we have no idea about them. However, I can divide my friends into three groups: honest friends, successful friends, and motivated friends. The purpose for the classification depends on my society.
My honest friends are always with me whatever happens to me or wherever I am, and that makes them honest friends. In addition, they always say the truth and help me when I need help. Therefore, I spend a lot of time with them more than anyone else. One other thing I love in my honest friends is they always ask me about my health, my education, and all other things. For instance, "A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling". By Arthur Brisbane, The Book of Today. In my view, friends should be honest to each other, no matter how hurtful things can be.
Second group of my friends is successful friends group. Actually, they almost do good things. They study hard and try to save their own time. I hope I spend a lot of time with them to learn new and useful things. Furthermore, they always advice me and convince me to do useful things. We all like to have friends, but there is an old saying you can never have too many friends. Unfortunately, I have a few of them in my lives. I think successful friends are the best friends because we always get benefits from accompanying them.
Last group of my friends is motivated friends group. Of course, they always motivated me to do new things. Unfortunately, sometimes we make mistakes together. They always want to spend a lot of time with me because they like me, no doubt, I like them, too. We always have fun when we meet together. I almost meet them everywhere such as school, gym,...etc. Other important things within them are they motivate me to do
General things and motivate me to leave general things. In fact, that doesn't make sense and looking strange for me. However, I think all of us have to be careful with motivated friends. They can motivate us to do marvelous things. Conversely, they can motivate us to do horrible things.
Finally, whatever friends I have had, I always like to spend a lot of time with them. I think some of them are not good, but I still love them because of our friendship. In comparison, they are so different, but all of them have something and useful things. In addition, I think I will get a new group of friends. They will be international friends. I don't know if they will be honest friends, successful friends, or motivated friends, but I know they will be not from my home country. To sum up, I advice earnestly to protect our friends. Also, it is not necessary to carry a lot about their mistakes because all of us make mistakes. We just want to remember there is no one perfect.
Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. A person who has true friends in life is lucky enough Friendship makes life thrilling. It makes life sweet and pleasant experience. Friendship is indeed, an asset in life. It can lead us to success or to doom. It all depends on how we choose our friends.
True friendship is a feeling of love, sharing and caring. It is a feeling that someone understands and appreciates you as you are, without any exaggeration, flattery and pretensions It gives a feeling that you are ‘wanted’ and that you are ‘someone’ and not a faceless being in the crowd. A true friend stands by you through thick and thin. True friendship knows no boundaries or demarcations of caste, creed, race and sex.
Friendship is both good and necessary. Man cannot live all alone. He is a social being. He needs someone to share his joys and sorrows. Generally, it is only the people of the same age, character and background, mentality, etc., who can understand him and understand his problems. Friends are needed for support and for sharing. Friendship is an elixir which is essential for a happy life.
They are needed to turn to when one is in trouble, and facing difficulties. According to the great Roman Statesman Cicero “Friendship increases happiness and diminishes misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief”. Friends are needed in every stage of life. Friendship has no age limit. Every group of people- children, youth, elders, very elderly people, etc. have their friends. However, it is better to have friends of the same age group and cultural backgrounds.
We need to select our friends very carefully. We have to remember the maxim “All that glitters is not gold”. In the same manner, we must not be moved by apparent show of friendship. Many remain with us in the guise of good friends and lead us to the wrong path. Today, many youngsters have become social nuisance mainly due to wrong company and bad friends.
We spent much of our time with them. Their mental outlook, behaviour, attitudes affect us too. Therefore, we have to choose our friends very carefully. We have to distinguish between fair-weather friends and true friends. True friends remain with us through thick and thin while fair-weather friends are found only during sunny days.
Lasting friendship is indeed, a blessing. Good friends are great pillars of life. They help us to stand tall and erect in life. Friendship can make or break us. It can lead to good careers and proper living. It does not matter how often you meet your friends, but how much you care and feel for another in good times as well as in bad times. True friendship is a great asset in life.
What is the one emotion that has everyone mystified? What is the one emotion that has started as many wars as it has ended? What emotion has had more plays, songs, and stories written about it than anything else? Love, that one emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. So many legends surround this emotion, from the goddess Athena and Helen of Troy to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
Love comes in so many different levels, that it doesn't appear to be the same emotion at all, but it is. There is so much to love, that it will be hard to put into this simple essay. It can tear people apart and make us do irrational things to bringing together entire nations. What can this emotion not do? It's hard to tell, but there is a lot it can.
This emotion, bring tears to our eyes when something happens to our family members, friends, and pets. When we feel love ripped from us, as in death or being spurned by another, we do things we wouldn't normally do, such as go on violent rampages, or mourn to the extent that our loved ones have to watch us constantly to make sure we don't try anything like suicide. Some can move on, always remembering the lost loved one after a while, but others cannot let go. These are the ones that need our love and support the most.
There are so many levels to love, that I can only express a few of them here. These are the ones we see most in life. Friendship starts this list off. Yes, it doesn't seem like it, but we do feel love towards our friends, this is what helps us get along so well, and why we miss them when we don't see our friends for a long time. It's also why we hold certain friends over others no matter what happens. Sometimes, the bond between friends deepens to the point where a stronger bond of love is made, making them family.
Another level of love, are for our siblings and other family members. Even though we do things to our family members, and sometimes we don't like some of our family, that bond is still there. It's this family bond level of love that brought about the phrase, blood is thicker than water. We will do things for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children before we would even consider doing them for anyone else. Many wars have been started because of this family level, brother avenging brother or father, father protecting his wife and children, or even vice versa. This simple family bond can even extend to include our pets, amazingly enough, and that is a good thing.
A third level to love, is the bond that brings man and woman together. This level is among the strongest of them all. It is this level of love that has brought together kingdoms into nations in the past, and ended many great wars. It's is also for the love of a woman that has started a few of our well-known wars, like the Trojan Wars of ancient times. It's brought together families that have argued for years and years, such as in the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet. Even though the two mentioned killed themselves in the end, it still brought their families together.
The last mentionable level of love is that bond between a mother and her children. There is no stronger, nor will there ever be. This bond starts from the very first tiny fluttering of movement and never ends, even after death of the child. A mother protects her children in the name of love, and directs them through life using it as the example to follow. Well, at least it should be. It's because of her children a mother will work at a job she hates, just to make sure they have everything they could ever want or need.
The phrase, love makes the world go round is very true. It's is our driving force, for what ever reason it may be. Poems, plays, and legends can only briefly touch the true meaning of love. We can only feel what that meaning is, and express it in ways only we can understand towards another. The true question we should be asking is not, what is life, but what is love.
What is love? I don't know, but I'll do what I can to express it to my son, my husband, my family and friends, and to every single pet I have or ever will own in the best possible way that I can.
“We are all more intelligent than we are capable, and awareness of the insanity of love has never saved anyone from the disease.” “Every fall into love involves the triumph of hope over self-knowledge. We fall in love hoping we won't find in another what we know is in ourselves, all the cowardice, weakness, laziness, dishonesty, compromise, and stupidity. We throw a cordon of love around the chosen one and decide that everything within it will somehow be free of our faults. We locate inside another a perfection that eludes us within ourselves, and through our union with the beloved hope to maintain (against the evidence of all self-knowledge) a precarious faith in our species.” “We fall in love because we long to escape from ourselves with someone as beautiful, intelligent, and witty as we are ugly, stupid, and dull. But what if such a perfect being should one day turn around and decide they will love us back? We can only be somewhat shocked-how can they be as wonderful as we had hoped when they have the bad taste to approve of someone like us?” “It was no longer her absence that wounded me, but my growing indifference to it. Forgetting, however calming, was also a reminder of infidelity to what I had at one time held so dear.” “Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved.” “Perhaps the easiest people to fall in love with are those about whom we know nothing. Romances are never as pure as those we imagine during long train journeys, as we secretly contemplate a beautiful person who is gazing out of the window – a perfect love story interrupted only when the beloved looks back into the carriage and starts up a dull conversation about the excessive price of the on-board sandwiches with a neighbour or blows her nose aggressively into a handkerchief.” “Must being in love always mean being in pain?” “To be loved by someone is to realize how much they share the same needs that lie at the heart of our own attraction to them. Albert Camus suggested that we fall in love with people because, from the outside, they look so whole, physically whole and emotionally 'together' - when subjectively we feel dispersed and confused. We would not love if there were no lack within us, but we are offended by the discovery of a similar lack in the other. Expecting to find the answer, we find only the duplicate of our own problem.”
“.. if you asked most people whether they believed in love or not, they’d probably say they didn’t. Yet that’s not necessarily what they truly think. It’s just the way they defend themselves against what they want. They believe in it, but pretend they don’t until they’re allowed to. Most people would throw away all their cynicism if they could. The majority just never gets the chance.”
“The longing for destiny is nowhere stronger than in our romantic life.”
“Everyone returns us to a different sense of ourselves, for we become a little of who they think we are.”
“There is a longing for a return to a time without the need for choices, free of the regret at the inevitable loss that all choice (however wonderful) has entailed.”
“If cynicism and love lie at opposite ends of a spectrum, do we not sometimes fall in love in order to escape the debilitating cynicism to which we are prone? Is there not in every coup de foudre a certain willful exaggeration of the qualities of the beloved, an exaggeration which distracts us from our habitual pessimism and focuses our energies “The most attractive are not those who allow us to kiss them at once [we soon feel ungrateful] or those who never allow us to kiss them [we soon forget them], but those who coyly lead us between the two extremes.”
“The more familiar two people become, the more the language they speak together departs from that of the ordinary, dictionary-defined discourse. Familiarity creates a new language, an in-house language of intimacy that carries reference to the story the two lovers are weaving together and that cannot be readily understood by others.”
“In the oasis complex, the thirsty man images he sees water, palm trees, and shade not because he has evidence for the belief, but because he has a need for it. Desperate needs bring about a hallucination of their solution: thirst hallucinates water, the need for love hallucinates a prince or princess. The oasis complex is never a complete delusion: the man in the desert does see something on the horizon. It is just that the palms have withered, the well is dry, and the place is infected with locusts.”
“Perhaps because the origins of a certain kind of love lie in an impulse to escape ourselves and out weaknesses by an alliance with the beautiful and noble. But if the loved ones love us back, we are forced to return to ourselves, and are hence reminded of the things that had driven us into love in the first place. Perhaps it was not love we wanted after all, perhaps it was simply someone in whom to believe, but how can we continue to believe the the beloved now that they believe in us?” “We wanted to test each other's capacity for survival: only if we had tried in vain to destroy one another would we know we were safe.” “Her lie was symptomatic of a certain pride she took in mocking the romantic, in being unsentimental, matter-of-fact, stoic; yet at heart she was the opposite: idealistic, dreamy, giving, and deeply attached to everything she liked verbally to dismiss as "mushy.”
“The inability to live in the present lies in the fear of leaving the sheltered position of anticipation or memory, and so of admitting that this is the only life that one is ever likely (heavenly intervention aside) to live.”
― Alain de Botton, On Love