My performance, leadership, potential and competency are similar to that of an HR Warrant Officer. Over the past 10 years I have been privileged to serve the in a variety of unique and demanding duties. Duties such as Battalion Sr Human Resources SGT, AIT Platoon SGT, and Squad Leader. I have coordinated and executed HR sustainment support and HR/Personnel Service Support …show more content…
I have empowered Soldiers and filled their rucksack with usable knowledge pertaining to Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) the Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO), Datastore, Total Officer Personnel Management Information System (TOPMIS), Interactive Personnel Electronic Records Management System (IPERMS), Tactical Personnel System (TPS), and Evaluation Entry System (EES) to name a few.
The most notable achievement would be the selection over my peers to serve as the 4th Brigade Support Battalion HR NCOIC. I successfully stood up the Battalion Mail Room, balanced strength management of 55 MOS’s across 10 companies and activating the Battalion’s ACT Sponsorship Program to include training all First Sergeants under 4th Brigade Support Battalion to utilize the new system.
I am committed to provide the most effective and efficient service to Families and comrades, placing their needs and requirement at the forefront. I thrive on new challenges and am eager to embrace the opportunity to extend my service to the United States Army as a Warrant Officer. When selected, I will continue to lead with conviction, fairness, diligence, and loyalty to convey the attributes of the ARMY VALUES while staying true to the principals and traditions of excellence that embody the Warrant