I. Introduction
A. Have you ever participated with a team at work where all participants worked together in harmony? Do you always display your strong suit within a team, or have you experienced working with a team that just seems to not mesh well together? No matter the experience you may or may not have had, developing key qualities to become an effective team player enables you to make respected and valued contributions to any type of team you may be apart of.
B. One might ask, what is the importance of an effective team player?
Teams are formed for numerous reasons. They are times when a team must deliver a project together and there are times when in fact a team must work together on a regular basis. No matter the circumstance, when groups work together, the advantage is there’s the potential to tap into being more creative on projects and team work allows you to achieve more in a shorter period of time.
C. The purpose of my speech is to explain the importance of being an effective team player and to identify key elements that contribute in making someone an efficient team player by: 1. Identifying the key qualities that someone can develop to be a part of a team. 2. Explain how interpersonal skills play a vital role in developing team player skills. 3. Explaining how these developed skills can effectively help you in your current or future career.
II. Qualities of an Effective Team Player
In order to perform well as a team player, the group must be made up with effective strong team players. Teams need people who communicate positively and are able to express their ideas and thoughts in a clear, direct and honest way, being respectful to others of the work within the team. It is also important to actively listen to others. Teams require team players that are fully capable of understanding ideas and points of views of others within the team without assessing and dispute every idea. Good team players are
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