English Composition
Qualities to look for in daycares Every parent has his or her own opinions when it comes down to daycare. Unfortunately not many actually have the opportunity to have an overview of the qualities that will help their child care overviews. The qualities in which parents should keep in mind are cleansing, hazardous areas, and early learning development. Cleansing helps keep things sanitized for the child for example, such as the floors, cabinets and the toys that the child plays with. Checking for hazardous areas plays a big role when it comes down to the child’s safety. Objects to look out for would be such as an open outlet, loose wires, and poison products. All in all early learning development can help prepare your child’s future education skills. What would be the important things to look for while looking for a child daycare? Parents’ main importance to look for would be cleansing. Cleansing is extremely important because as a child you tend to put everything in your mouth. As the daycare staff, they would need to keep the area clean for crumbs or garbage, so that it does not attract pests. Housekeeping is another important factor because a child is easily attracted to anything in sight. No dishes or dirty clothes or even dirty diapers should be left out due to bad odors or pests. Without maintence, the child caretakers would not have an up running daycare or good reviews. Maintence might not be important some, but in reality it plays a great role in the child’s life. If a child or even a staff member comes upon a dripping sink that is making a puddle of water it becomes a hazardous situation. Without maintenance in the room a child or adult could slip and hurt them- selves. With the help of maintence, that problem could be solved immediately thus making a safe environment for the adults’ and children. If there so be a garden around the outside of the classroom maintence staff can also keep the
References: * "Child Care Facility (Day Care) - Group Care Facilities." Child Care Facility (Day Care) - Group Care Facilities. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013. * "Injury Free Safety Tips -." Injury Free Safety Tips -. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.