Character relates to the quality of one's actions such as acting in a manner that is honorable, courageous, compassionate, and/or ethical.
Quality either good or bad
Citizenship a person furnished with knowledge of public affairs instilled with attitudes of civic virtue and equipped with skills to participate in the public arena.
"The freedoms and privileges afforded every citizen in our democracy are unwittingly being threatened by the very citizens they were designed to benefit. The term Citizen' is too often considered to be a status, gained either through birth or naturalization, rather than a role to be fulfilled.".
Matthew Horton - Good Citizen Director (August 2003)
“It‟s not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.”- Aristotle
A good man knows the difference between right and wrong and strives to do what is right for the right reasons. Good citizenship is doing things that sustain our freedom, keep the country safe or doing anything that involves democratic process.
Ways to show good citizenship
show concern for the safety and well-being of others care , respect and protect the feelings and rights of others
conserves resources and follows the 3 Rs-- reduce, reuse and recycle
Ways to show good citizenship
Showing good citizenship
Citizenship education is not about trying to fit everyone into the same mold – creating the „model‟, or „good‟ citizen. “Its aim is to empower citizens to make their own decisions and take responsibility for their lives and the life of their communities.”
“ A passive and ignorant citizenry will never create a sustainable world.”
-Andrew Gaines, creativity trainer, sustainability philosopher, b 1938
“ A passive and ignorant citizenry will never create a sustainable world.”
-Andrew Gaines, creativity trainer, sustainability philosopher, b 1938