(Man is neither mere intellect, nor the gross animal body, nor the heart or soul alone. A proper and harmonious combination of all the three is required for the making of the whole man and constitutes the true economics of education. After independence, India adopted the approach of planned development of the country. In the post – independence period, higher education has expanded fast, and it is mostly public in nature. India has one of the largest Higher Educational Systems in world with more than 320 universities, 15,000 colleges, 4.8 lakh teachers and 12 million students. Since 1991, India is having structural adjustment in every sector including higher education. The objective of quality enhancement and integral development of personality in the younger generation cannot be achieved without teachers developing their own integral personality. It is an inclusive concept and a collective enterprise. It involves everyone who teaches supports and guides students and the managers and administrators of higher education institutions also. It includes significant strategic initiatives and the many small things that people do to try make things better. As Nehru expected education is not en end in itself, but a means to an end. It should eventually make the students fit for life. The need of the hour is to move from assessment and accreditation to quality assurance.)
Ref: • Adapting Indian Industry To Globalization ; Tarun Da, Chief Mentor- CII • Reflection on Global rends and sustainable development; Piya Mohtaney ; “Globalization: Con – game or Reality (published by Alchemy – An Imprint of Mehra in 2004) • http://www.dmreview.com/issues/20061101/1066763-1.html • http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com/documents/industry-articles/inline-realtime-bi-3096 • http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/rtbissas.mspx •