How Can Quality Questioning
Transform Classrooms?
Questioning to Advance Thinking,
Learning, and Achievement
Focus Questions
How can effective questioning help transform a traditional, teacher-centered classroom into a student-centered, inquiry-oriented community of learners?
What are the connections between quality questions and student learning and achievement?
Why are there gaps between what we know about effective questioning and what we do in classrooms?
Questioning. Thinking. Understanding. These three processes interact in a dynamic fashion to advance student learning, performance, and achievement.
Think of these classroom processes as action verbs that create the energy for student work, the fuel for learning. …show more content…
. . are whether teachers understand that students must think in order to learn and whether they know how to provoke, stimulate, and support students’ thinking. . . . The idea that students must create their own understandings by thinking their way through to satisfactory resolutions of puzzles and contradictions runs counter to conceptions of knowledge as facts, teaching as telling, and learning as memorizing. (p. 349)
These authors argue that we teachers must focus our professional learning upon knowledge, skills, and beliefs that will enable us to move from the traditional classroom in which most of us spent our years as students to the more studentcentered, inquiry-oriented classroom embodied in what we call a Quality Questioning classroom (p. 371).
What would such a classroom look like? The chart on page 8 displays a range of teacher and
“Learning is a student behaviors associated with a Quality Quesconsequence of tioning classroom. Individual reflection and collethinking.” gial dialogue around the beliefs, behaviors, and
David Perkins, results outlined in this chart can serve as a beginning
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