Assignment 1
Individual Assignment
Aims: To introduce to the student Total Quality Management in terms of its concepts and practical application to organizations.
Assignment 1
□ Quality Management refers to any planned and systematic activity directed towards providing consumers with products (goods and services) of appropriate quality, along with the confidence that products meet consumers’ requirements.
Course Report
The student will investigate an organization of choice and report on the organization’s Total Quality Management policies and practices and submit a typed report concerning contemporary issues within the area of quality management and how this may be applicable to an organization. The course report requires the student to include these aspects about the organization:
1. Analyse the way in which the organisation goes about managing quality.
2. Evaluate the various policies and practices in place within the organization.
3. Suggest additional quality initiatives that could be used for this organization.
4. Possible barriers that could prevent the recommended initiatives from being implemented.
One way of dealing with this course report, if you have little or no experience of quality management is to set up an interview with the operations or quality manager in an organization where you can gain access. Predetermine the questions you wish to ask and record the answers for later consideration. Example of questions could be: □ How does the organisation define quality? □ Does this differ to how the consumer perceives quality? □ Does the organisation produce a range of products or associated products? □ Does the quality vary for these? □ What methods does the organisation use to achieve quality? □ How could these methods be improved upon? □ Does the organization have an ISO 9000 system? □ Does the organisation hold any quality awards? □
References: & Appendices