Task 1
Assuming you are taking over the position of CEO in one of the following organizations:
i. Volkswagen China ii. Lenovo iii. Apple Inc – focus on iphone and ipad iv. Walmart China v. Home Inn, or Hilton China or any hotel vi. New Oriental, or another school vii. Air China, or another airlines
Explain how quality management can be measured. (LO3, 3.1)
(Guideline: Learner should define how quality of at least 2 of the above organizations, one must be mainly a product company, another a service company)
Part II Principles of Quality Management Applied to Improve Performance of RIS
Republic International School (RIS)
You are recruited by RIS to be the Quality Consultant. As such, you are required to analyse the following issues and provide recommendations when necessary.
Task 2
To get a deeper understanding on the current needs of their customers (students/parents), Republic International School conducts regular user and non-user surveys. First, determine who the users and non-users of Republic International School are and then evaluate the benefits of user and non-user surveys in determining customer needs of the school. (LO3, 3.2)
Task 3
There are many groups of people who are considered to be under-represented in RIS, one of the main groups being students. RIS constantly strives to hear the voices of students by using a range of methods to encourage their participation. List the methods of consultation employed in RIS to encourage participation by under-represented groups. (LO3, 3.3)
Task 4
As the society progresses, consumers have become more sophisticated and knowledgeable. Expectations are raised as customers are exposed to world-class services and products. To meet the expectations of demanding customers, many companies have also developed structured complaints handling procedures.
Through your own experience with lodging complaints, identify the value of