1. What is quality education?
2. What are the different concepts of quality education?
3. What are the five areas of improving quality in education?
4. Why plan for quality education?
The contents of this report primarily obtained from “Defining Quality Education”, a paper presented by UNICEF at the meeting of The International Working Group on Education Florence; and some information were obtained from the textbook “Educational Planning”, Planning for Quality pages 87 to 132 by Franco, Ernesto A., et al.
Defining Quality Education It seems many definition of “Quality Education” exists, it is often means different things to different people.
Here are some ideas about quality in education:
“Ensuring national and local educational context contribute to definitions of quality in varying countries (Adams, 1993)”
“Quality education means establishing a contextualized understanding of quality education means including relevant stakeholders. Key stakeholders hold different views and meanings of educational quality (Motala, 2000)”
“Definitions of quality must be open to change and evolution based information, changing contexts, and new understanding of the nature of education’s changes.”
Concept 1: Quality refers to pupil performance or standards of attainment in different school subjects
Concept 2: Quality refers to the extent to which the educational system meets or tends to respond to the economic and other needs of the society
Concept 3: Quality refers to the effectiveness with which the educational system promotes or reinforces among children and young people the culture and values, mores and attitudes particular in a given society Areas for Improving Quality in Education
According to DECS there are five areas for improving quality in education, these are: 1. Sufficiency of competent teacher inputs, 2. Sufficiency of inputs to building accommodations,