Name / Initials: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Pls. put any name ]
• Confidential: All your answers and other information will be treated with the strictly confidential.
• Remember: Keep the statement in mind when deciding on your response to the questions
• Be frank and honest: Give a true picture of your feelings about your present job
Please tick ( your response for the following
|# |PAY |
|1 |Salary and other allowances received by me are |( |( Inclined to |( Neither |( Inclined to |( Strongly |
| |reasonable and competitive |Strongly Agree|Agree | |Disagree |Disagree |
|2 |Pay is perceived to be very competitive comparing with|( Strongly |( Inclined to |( Neither |( Inclined to |( Strongly |
| |that for similar jobs in other companies |Agree |Agree | |Disagree |Disagree |
|3 |Clear policies are in place for salaries, rises and |( Strongly |( Inclined to |( Neither |( Inclined to |( Strongly |
| |bonuses without anomalies |Agree |Agree | |Disagree |Disagree |
|4 |Satisfied with the most recent pay raise |( Strongly |( √Inclined to|( Neither |( Inclined to |( Strongly |
| | |Agree |Agree | |Disagree |Disagree |