Another reason why I believe that I am an excellent choice for
Another reason why I believe that I am an excellent choice for
The Honors College at Florida International University provides a world ahead education. Through the Honors classes, I will be able to challenge myself with rigorous courses. This will help achieve my academic goal of graduating with a 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) because the honors classes will prepare me for my other classes such as the ones in the university core curriculum. For example, the honors courses will make me a better writer, which would improve my critical thinking skill that would allow me to process information more efficiently. This will cause my other normal classes to become easier, which makes a 4.0 GPA attainable. Allowing and preparing me for a perfect…
The public education system in the United States puts a greater emphasis on test scores and grades that it does actual learning. While around 80 percent of high school students graduate, most of them are not being prepared for what comes next. I have come to believe that there is more to education that a decent GPA, so I have tried to enrich myself with as much real-world experience as possible during my time in high school, while still trying to maintain my grades. My time in leadership positions, desire to work with other intellectual individuals, and rigorous academic goals all make me an exceptional candidate for the Honors College at East Carolina University.…
It is a great honor to be nominated in an esteemed club of NBTHS, which idolizes the importance of academic excellence and values leadership, service and character. Becoming a member of the National Honor Society would not only mark an achievement in my high school career, but would also reflect the hard work and effort I have put into maintaining my grades and developing a respectable character. The NHS gives me a great opportunity to help the community and display my character to its full potential. As a student, academics has been one of my top priorities and maintaining a certain grade in each of my classes has been an objective that I have done to the best of my ability to complete. If I get selected into NHS that objective will be justified and I will acquire more opportunities to improve my community and share my knowledge with others in NHS. After not getting accepted into National Junior Honor Society in middle school I made it a goal that in high school I would possess the attributes to get into NHS.…
I am interested in joining the Schreyer Honors College because I am seeking opportunities to enhance my undergraduate experience at Penn State. Additionally, I feel that my membership in the Schreyer Honors College will help to prepare me for my future beyond graduation. The opportunity to take more honors courses is one of the things about the Schreyer Honors College that appeals to me. Honors courses require me to think more critically and divergently about things and help me to develop ideas and opinions on whatever the subject may be. Right now, my honors course options are somewhat limited, however being admitted into the Schreyer Honors College would expand my choices and help ignite my creative spark, as well as broaden my horizons…
National Honor Society is a society of great prestige and importance, and I am excited beyond words to submit my application to become part of this organization. NHS looks for leadership qualities, academic achievements, service to the community, and strength of character in its’ potential candidates. I do indeed possess the qualities that NHS is looking for in its’ members, and I would be a valuable member in the Sandalwood chapter of NHS.…
Since its establishment, the National Honor Society has been built upon the core values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Throughout the years, National Honor Society has upheld these pillars, and its outstanding club members strive to embody these values in every aspect of their lives. However, these four principles add up to become something much more over the course of National Honor Society’s lifetime -- its legacy. These four honorable tenets are what constitutes a legacy, and I wish to become an individual who represents all of these core values -- and more. I genuinely believe that I exemplify most of the qualities that National Honor Society values, and though I am aware that I am still lacking in some, I will work…
Due to my rich experiences as a student, I believe I could be a good addition to the National Honor Society: John J. Rabets Chapter. I have demonstrated each of the required qualities throughout high school and plan to continue to show them throughout…
I enjoy working with others and sharing ideas. I also think I am a strong fit for this program because I’m a hard worker. I have great work ethics which I believe is a skill factor for becoming a Scholar. In general, I have the potential to work hard in every aspect of education and life.…
I sustain a high grade point average of 3.8 while engaging in college preparatory classes such as College English, Pre-Calculus, Chemistry, and – in a previous year – Biology 2. In addition to my current attending classes, I also take an online college math class that assists me in solving problems in real world situations. Education has been one of my first priorities since childhood, and I plan to further advance in my studies each day. I have in many ways shown my characteristic of scholarship. In addition to my scholastic achievements, I participate in various co-curricular activities that demonstrate my involvement with the school and community.…
The National Honors Society is more than just a honor roll, but an organization that recognizes the efforts made by hard working high school students. I would like to join National Honors Society because it would challenge my development in both my community and my school. The National Honors Society, consisting of over one million students, would make me a part of a large community that could create many opportunities for me in the future. A highly respected organization such as the National Honors Society is very significant to me. The scholarships and programs offered by this organization helps increase my ability to get the education that I desire that I might not have been able to receive due to the rapidly rising costs of college. Every…
The Honors Program grabbed my attention because it’s for academically outstanding students and I am that student. Throughout my years of high school, I have taken Advanced Placement and Honors classes and have done very well in them. Being average is not okay for me, I want to do my best and reach my fullest potential in everything I do. I like being challenged mentally and that is exactly what the Honors Program will do for me. In the Honors Program I will be able to engage in social and cultural seminars that I know I will thoroughly enjoy. I have been a part of Diversity Club where different cultures come together to share ideas, exchange food, and get to know more about each others’ culture, so I have an idea of what seminars are like. I am a very outgoing person and I love to meet and interact with new people so through these seminars and projects I will be able to do that. I would also like to get a broader perspective on the world and throughout the many different projects, I will gain that. I read about the Honors Program and what will be done throughout the four years and I thought to myself that this is where I belong, I will fit right in. I want to accomplish many things that this program will allow me to and greatness is what I would like to aim for. The Honors Program at John Carroll University brings together one of the most gifted, diverse, and active groups of people not only on campus, but in the country and I would like to be a part of that, something…
All of you today that are being inducted into the National Honor Society should consider yourself scholars. A scholar, by definition, is a distinguished academic or one who has an aptitude for study. There is an important difference between being a scholar and simply being a student – scholars care quite a bit more. As a member of the National Honor Society myself, I realize how difficult reaching the level of “scholar” can be. Being able to reach the point where I was even considered for the National Honor Society was…
I believe every person was born the same. You should not discriminate against African Americans because they have a darker skin color. I don't believe having us to do your work is fair. I don't think you would want us to push you around and tell you what to do while we sit around. We all needed to be treated equal. I hate that people can throw us around, tell us what to do, and get away with it. Slave owners do not provide us with proper education. They beat us with whips and other things. They give us little to no money. I don't think slave owners need to be nicer, or give us more money. I think slavery should stop.…
Being a nominee, I realize that the National Honor Society is an honor to be in itself. Since The National Honor Society is dedicated to helping the needy, children, the elderly and non-profit organizations. I feel that this is the right society for me because since I was a child, I have been noted for my exceptional empathy. My parents have always instilled in me a sense of responsibility and care for others. I feel obligated to utilize my gifts in an organization as prestigious as the National Honor Society. Over the past years as a scholar, I believe that I have demonstrated all four principles: scholarship, leadership, character, and service.…
Because of my abilities and experiences as a student, I believe I can be considered a strong candidate for the National Honors Society. I have demonstrated the scholarship, leadership, character, and service qualities necessary to join the society. I hope to be considered for placement in this prestigious…