It just means the person prejudging has some insecurities and has developed a bad habit. Discrimination in the workplace goes way pass the interview stage, but employees find they’re being subject to discrimination after securing the job. Race and Gender are two major reasons why discrimination in the workplace take place. People still have this sexist idea that men should be the breadwinners and often women miss out on advancement opportunities and pay increases. Racial discrimination in the workplace is still very prominent today. Minorities of a workplace fall victim, often, because their skin color isn’t a pigment of their employer’s choice. Denying people deserving opportunities because of any reason other then them not being qualified for a position is ignorance. Ignorance in the workplace is a negative bad habit that is hard to eliminate when its already in
It just means the person prejudging has some insecurities and has developed a bad habit. Discrimination in the workplace goes way pass the interview stage, but employees find they’re being subject to discrimination after securing the job. Race and Gender are two major reasons why discrimination in the workplace take place. People still have this sexist idea that men should be the breadwinners and often women miss out on advancement opportunities and pay increases. Racial discrimination in the workplace is still very prominent today. Minorities of a workplace fall victim, often, because their skin color isn’t a pigment of their employer’s choice. Denying people deserving opportunities because of any reason other then them not being qualified for a position is ignorance. Ignorance in the workplace is a negative bad habit that is hard to eliminate when its already in