|Age |Lacks concentration and focus |Lacks professionalism (younger) |Want more money for less work just|…
The Northwestern University states has a new idea on the racial-ethnic achievement gap. In their article “Do race-based stressors contribute to the achievement gap?” they introduce these ideas. The gap is created not simply because of teacher-quality, financial status, or other factors of the same kind, but also because of the stress-factors that come with belonging to one of the racial minority groups.…
Stereotypes reflect ideas that groups of people hold about others who are different from them. Stereotypes can be positive or negative, but most stereotypes tend to make us feel superior in some way to the person or group being stereotyped. People that are obvious to a certain profession or gender are often stereotyped, such as, police officers, women, and people of color. Stereotyping is a thought process that organizes beliefs about one group of people and assigns them to everyone in that group (The Quad News, 2010). We cheat ourselves from ever getting to know a person for who they are as an individual. At worst stereotyping can turn into such things as racial profiling and other discriminatory things. We have all been stereotyped…
This matters to my community because within my community is a multitude of cultures and ethnic groups, many of which I see separated and/or discriminated against from day to day in the classrooms around me and I know that it’s not right. If we as a whole, students and teachers alike work together to educate ourselves on the racism and inequity of our classrooms, I believe that we can come together and work on making our classrooms places of learning and equal opportunity where people can once again freely learn and not have to worry about any discriminatory acts being taken out upon them whether or not they’re intentional. My fellow teachers and classmates, if we come and work together to communicate better in terms of decreasing racism and stereotyping of all varieties, I believe that we can come up with a happier, more productive and better structured classroom environment that all students can thrive in and that is devoid of biases. What effect it will have: Classrooms will be better structured to tailor learning to every student and not just the “smarter” ethnicities because we’re all human and in the classroom we’re all students and the color of one’s skin or the languages which a student speaks at home shouldn’t be cause for any lesser treatment, especially in the…
Prejudices and stereotypes can occur at anytime and anywhere. Unfortunately, the classroom is one of those places that remain racially…
In America we deal with a lot of diversity. Stereotyping is one of the biggest problems we deal with particularly in law enforcement. There have been different situations where as police officers accused of going after individuals and accusing them on crime based a person background. Stereotyping goes beyond race and gender (Changing Minds). Racism is a word that can be defined in many different ways. Racism represent madness, angry, brings up lots of issues with people. Racism comes from different cultural values, ethnic backgrounds, and physical appearances. The United States of America brought people from all over the world, which is the land of opportunity and freedom but people see no different from the crime that takes place in todays world. Stereotype and racism are one of the most significant issues that people have been facing and it is still occurring around us.…
My belief is that everyone deserves to be respected treated equally despite their skin color, social class or sexual orientation. We should simply treat people the way we want to be treated. People would treat others with disrespect and … based solely on their appearance, without thinking twice how it would feel if that same attitude would be redirected at them. The two theories that have impacted my beliefs the most are social and race theories.People are constantly being mistreated on petty things such as how old someone is or skin color. I believe that those are not legitimate reasons to judge another human being.…
People are born free, equal in their dignity and rights. and no one today can argue that this is a wrong statement. And most of the states today seek and stepping forward to reach the absolute justice and equality, the opposite of discrimination and racism, which are the first indicators of communities falling apart, fall of justice, the fall of principles and and the collapse of values.…
Let me start by stating that any topic concerning race is a difficult for those involved and a virtual minefield for anyone discussing it. That being said, I live in south Texas where the Hispanic ethnicity dominates the surrounding area. The Hispanic population in Laredo, Texas accounts for ninety-five percent of all it citizens (United States Census Bureau). I am part of that ninety-five percent. However, many people mistaken me for being from a different ethnicity because of the color of my skin and hair. Racial serotyping is a very common in today’s culture. I never understood how big racial stereotyping was until my junior year when I met my friend Morgan.…
Rachel, I wholeheartedly appreciate the sentiment and ideas expressed in your post. They were well thought out and prompted me to question the whitewashed history we are taught in America. Not only does your creation of this post shed light on the unjust and poor treatment of the (forced) black women who fought for this country, but has pushed me to question just how many minorities went through the war (and the rest of history).…
I think it affects everyone, even if it occurs at a subconscious level. I will be the first to admit that I am prejudice: I judge people daily by how they dress, talk, and look. Prejudice has a heavy psychological impact on the ones to whom it is directed at; it shows the ignorance of the person displaying the prejudice; and yes, I believe prejudice can be lessened, but I it will never be eliminated.…
Currently prejudice and discrimination are at the forefront of our national politics. From police officers slaughtering African Americas on the streets to the violent protests demanding Muslim refugees not be allowed in the country, it seems hate has taken over our national discussion. But why does a country founded by immigrants now despise outsiders and spew racist rhetoric? Why has prejudice and discrimination replaced tolerance and equality? To fully understand our crisis we must explore the major factors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination: stereotypes, ultimate attribution error, and adaptive conservationism.…
The issue of racism has been a social problem in America for many years. Racism has been around for a long time, but it seems that it has become or is becoming a bigger issue in America. Race can be viewed differently depending on the people and the environment in which they live, which would result in a different view on how racism is shown and perceived. Race, and the way people view other people based on their race constantly changes, making it a social construct.…
“Institutional racism is frequently subtle, unintentional and invisible, nut always potent,” the wrote. Often, institutional racism involves complex and cumulative factors; for example, when many students of color, year after year, do not have access to fully credentialed teachers, high-quality curriculum materials, and advanced courses. We need to be getting at least basic classes that we should be…
Racism in the United States is becoming a huge problem with all of the shootings, violence, and discrimination that has happened in the past years. Privileges and rights were given to white Americans that were not granted to Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic and Latino Americans.…