
Ralph's Leadership

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Ralph's Leadership
What does a good leader look like? Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Mahatma Gandhi? Winston Churchill? All these leaders have traits Ralph possesses. Ralph is the best leader of the boys because of his traits of respect for and from others, empathy, and his ability to make informed decisions. Roger’s psychopathic behaviors are what make him the worst leader of the boys. Ralph’s respect for and from others is a big part of his great leadership. The island boys respect Ralph and his authority. He is voted leader over Jack and given more power than the conch during meetings since only he can interrupt the person holding the conch. Ralph commands respect because of his physical stature and the way he decides for the group nonchalantly: "Seems to …show more content…
He cries for the deaths of Piggy and Simon because they meant something to him: “The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island.” (Golding 202). Ralph is crying for the end of the boys’ innocence and for the darkness of man's heart. He truly cared for Piggy and Simon which is another important role of his great leadership. He cares for the people he leads and that means he won't do something that would hurt them. He feels empathy for them and wants what is best for them. He reassures the littluns while being scared himself. That shows great leadership by also being an example for the group. He cares for the safety and rescue of the boys. That shows the empathy reminiscent of Mahatma …show more content…
He knows from the beginning what to do first. He established an authority figure and a “government”. He scolds Jack for hunting instead of building shelters and hunting after: “You could have had everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt...”(Golding 71). Jack is hunting when they had no danger of starving. They have plenty of food but no shelter. They inhabit a tropical island very susceptible to storms. He can make more informed decisions that help the group. Unlike Jack who has set up a dictatorship and everything he says goes, Ralph has an ‘everyone can speak’ policy so any person can voice their idea to him. Then he can make the decisions about what happens next. This ability brings to mind Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s style of leadership that pulled the United States out of the Great

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