Document four is a direct counter argument to document three. Document four is an excerpt from a resolution from the Massachusetts Constitutional Ratification Convention. It discusses the fact that Massachusetts only passes the Constitution given that certain rights would pass as well. Reassuring the people that their rights would be protected. Document four discusses how Massachusetts also said that a bill of rights would completely resolve all the problems and worries that were discussed in document three.
Back to the opposing view of the ratification of the Constitution is Document five. Document five talks about the types of people that are trying to get into congress, and may be in congress fool the citizens with their nice and smart voices as well as their money; when really they only discuss the tip of the matter with you. And aren’t doing as much as they could be doing. The document also talks about that theses people who have the money are able to use that money to travel to Philadelphia and have an impact on congress, and their impact will most likely be in the best interest of the wealthy rather than the interest of the