Topic No. 1
Development of ___________________________ for ____________________________
Main Problem:
How to reduce if not eliminate the inaccurate time and attendance record of the faculty and staff.
Specific Problems: 1. The time/attendance record of the faculty and staff which is the basis of the salary computation is unreliable.
Causes of the Problems: 1. There are duplication of time/attendance file of faculty and staff.
Effects of the Problems: 1. Time and attendance of the faculty are inaccurate
Topic No.: 1
I. Specific Topic:
II. Definition of the Topic:
A. Importance and Significance (Background of the study)
What are your reasons for conducting this study?
What motives you to do this research project?
B. Manageability: (Scope and Limitations) this will help you build your scope and limitation.
Is the research topic within your capability?
What: Descriptions and types
Who: users and beneficiaries
Where: users and applications
When: historical background
Why: importance and relevance
How: process, functions and operations
C. Availability of Resources: (Sources of Information)
Where do you intend to get the information?
Primary Data: Thesis and Dissertation
Secondary Data: Internet
Others: Journals, Articles
D. Expected Output/Objectives
What do you intend to accomplish? General Objective: Specific Objectives:
Strength: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
University of Makati
J.P. Rizal Ext. West Rembo, Makati City
College of Computer Science
Name : Surname First Name Middle Name
Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Major in Service