According to the article, there is one business man ( Andrew) who has surfing and ski zone store in bondi beach area. He has separate office to see other store, as well figure the sale forecasting and monitoring all three store,however, In peak season there is alots of staff to help the customer about wht they wanted to buy , wht they looking for,at the same time some of the staff doing balling.
For the purpose of our report/in our report, we have discusses these factor linked/ that effect to our topic in review i.e. segregation of duties, ghost employees, human mistake, Computer fraud, Misappropriation of assets,
According to this articles we find a lots of problem relating to the fraud, and staff management. Which is given below. 1. Segregation of duties 2. Less documentation 3. Human mistakes 4. Computer fraud 5. Misappropriation of assets
Segregation of duties;
In internal control no person should be given more than one responsibility for same position. If ( Andrew) give too much pressure for his employees to do different work in same position , it makes conflict between them. It will directly affect in daily business activities. We can take example from given articles. Hiring department’s staff should not give sales counter job, it will create problems.
In peak season Andrew should hire more staff in hiring, sales and marketing department to assist the fast customer services. It will makes customer good impact towards his store. Employees have less work load if Andrew allocates one position for one