The book’s narrator, Wade, exemplifies the ways people can’t stand each other in just the stacks alone. Such examples include “Gunfire wasn’t uncommon in the stacks”(Cline) and “Even if there was an unexplained explosion, people in the stacks would just think of it as a meth lab accident and move on, not even caring to uncover the bodies or look into the situation some more”(Cline). Due to the immense overpopulation on Earth by the time of 2045, human lives have become more and more expendable. This is all due to the fact that there are just not enough resources for everyone anymore and to have some few die from time to time is more of a favor than a curse. Even higher ups have no problem describing these low lives as bottomfeeders or even cockroaches. Speaking of ‘higher ups’, they are also the
The book’s narrator, Wade, exemplifies the ways people can’t stand each other in just the stacks alone. Such examples include “Gunfire wasn’t uncommon in the stacks”(Cline) and “Even if there was an unexplained explosion, people in the stacks would just think of it as a meth lab accident and move on, not even caring to uncover the bodies or look into the situation some more”(Cline). Due to the immense overpopulation on Earth by the time of 2045, human lives have become more and more expendable. This is all due to the fact that there are just not enough resources for everyone anymore and to have some few die from time to time is more of a favor than a curse. Even higher ups have no problem describing these low lives as bottomfeeders or even cockroaches. Speaking of ‘higher ups’, they are also the