On 3/13/17, Hennepin County Child Protection accepted a report of alleged physical abuse and domestic violence impacting Sebastian Tavarez and Abigail Tavarez by mother, partner John Lebron Jr. Per reporter Ms. Tavarez had asked Mr. Lebron about him kissing his estranged wife whom he is separated from. Per reporter, the children were all present Abigail, Sebastian and Mr. Leborn's daughter Madison Lebron. Per reporter Mr. Lebron smacked Ms. Tavarez in her face and then walked into the hallway and Mr. Lebron put his hand over Ms. Tavarez's mouth while pinning her against the wall and as he did this he smashed her head against the wall. Per reporter, he pushed Ms. Tavarez into Sebastian's room onto the …show more content…
Tavarez what her daughter Abaigal expressed regarding safety concerns at home. Abaigal reported that she feels safe around her mother, but not around Mr. Lebron. Ms. Elizabeth was resistant and appeared in denial regarding her daughter's feelings. Ms. Elizabeth appeared resistant when talked about her daughter's personal feelings regarding Mr. Lebron.
This worker asked about Abigail and Sebastain's biological father and if he is supportive to their needs. Ms. Tavarez reported that he is involved and supportive to both Abigail and Sebastian's needs.
Ms. Tavarez was asked about her own drinking and stated she does not drink. Ms. Tavarez denied previous involvement with CP and denied history of childhood abuse and neglect. She acknowledged history of mental health. Ms. Tavarez was asked about discipline techniques in the home and she stated that she takes away privileges and grounds them if needed. Also, she reported that she uses positive reinforcement techniques with both children. She denied the use of physical …show more content…
Mr. Lebron refused to schedule an office visit and instead he requested phone interview. Privacy practices were verbally stated and the interview was not recorded.
Mr. Lebron reported on 3/12/17 he was with his fiancé Ms. Elizabeth. He reported all the children were present as well. Abigail, Sebastian and his biological daughter Madison. He stated that he and Ms. Elizabeth had disagreements and the children were in a different room. Mr. Lebron seemed upset about CP involvement and he stated that this was between Elizabeth and himself. He reported all the children were safe in a different