First and foremost, legalizing prostitution can create safety. Currently, prostitutes are forced into the places where they should not – streets of neighborhoods. Residents of the neighborhoods are exposed to the activity. In addition, working on the streets is not safe for prostitutes who become frequent targets for serial killers. Legalization of prostitution, as it is already done in several European cities, removes these women from the streets to the designated areas. As the result, the safety of the neighborhoods is maintained. Moreover, people who are interested in buying sexual services can freely go to the places where prostitution is permitted.
If the government legalizes prostitution profession, the crime will be declined. One of the problems associated with prostitution is increased crime and drug abuse. When a woman is charged for a sex crime (prostitution), the stigma lasts for lifetime. As the result, this woman is not able to find another employment. Legalization of prostitution gives women a choice in profession. Illegal prostitution promotes crime activity because many criminals view prostitutes as targets for rape, robbery, and fraud. Prostitutes are unlike to report the