Golden Gate University
December 16, 2011
At the fictional Sterling Cooper ad agency in "Mad Men," Pete Campbell urges a client to "take a look at the Negro market." In the TV show the year is 1961. Today, it 's a reminder that the push to understand and target consumers on the basis of their ethnic identity goes back decades. When mainstream marketers began to seriously consider focusing on minorities as a consumer market in the middle of the twentieth century, there was very little corporate expertise. Ethnic markets were smaller and pocketed and agencies lacked metrics of evaluation, infrastructure for execution and, there was the issue of discrimination. Surprisingly, some of the issues remain, but to a far lesser degree. In recent decades, changes in demographics, marketing tools and corporate expertise have made marketing to ethnic consumers, multicultural marketing, more relevant than ever.
Multicultural marketing efforts are often directed at three specific demographic segments: Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asian-Americans. However, multicultural marketing segmentation goes beyond race and ethnicity. Ethnic consumers are more complex than their race. Though a vast majority of marketers continue to focus on a monolithic view of race or ethnicity, this sort of conventional multicultural marketing segmentation fails to adequately identify multicultural consumers. I feel there is a real need to recognize the diversity within the Hispanic, African-American, and Asian-American consumer segments, and expand multicultural consumer segmentation into more relevant groups that reflect their true consumer identity.
Minority segments are changing and the American marketplace is evolving as the U.S. approaches a majority-minority nation comprised of more Hispanic, Asian, bi-racial, and multiracial consumers than ever before. Traditional multicultural marketing segmentation must be re-examined to reflect the
References: Breyer, R. M. (2006). Marketing tactics involve nuance within each culture. Retrieved on December 10, 2011 from Brumbaugh, A.M. (2011, June). The why, how and what of multicultural marketing. Burgos, D. & Mobolade, O. (2011). Marketing to the New Majority. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Chambers, J. (2008). Madison Avenue and the Color Line: African Americans in the Advertising Industry Cook, N. (2011). Univision charts course for america 's ethnic future. The National Journal Edgecliffe-Johnson, A. (2010, September 7). Marketing not yet wrapped up. Financial Times must adapt. Advertising Age. Retrieved October 25, 2011 from Humphreys, J. (2010). The Multicultural Economy 2010 [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from the University of Georgia Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College 10, 2011 from Morse, D O’Leary, N. (2010, September 26). Change is Coming: It’s the millennials rising through the ranks, not government mandates, that are altering the adscape. US Census Bureau. (2010). American Fact Finder. Retrieved from Vicioso, K. (2011). The changing face of America: four tips for multicultural Marketing