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| |Company’s Web site |Job interview by human resources |Explanation of the |Apprenticeship training |
| | |department |organization’s levels of | |
| | | |authority | |
| | |>>Interested applicants will be | |>> A supervised training and |
| |>>Most large companies have their |interviewed as initial screening |>>A large company organization |testing of a new employee is very |
| |own websites which usually |by the human resource department. |usually has the hierarchy of |common in large companies. Some |
| |includes a section for job |Prescreened applicants will go |the authorities. The new |large companies even require |
| |opportunities. Online job |through supervisor’s interview for|employee must be aware of the |apprenticeship training as a |
| |application has become a popular |selection. The interview will be |certain level of authority and |requirement prior to signing of |
| |method of recruitment. Interested |either a structured where the