i. Executive Summary
This report consists of a thorough study of Recruitment & Selection which is one of the major functions in Human Resource Management. The report is divided into five different elements to provide a comprehensive analysis. The introduction, which is the first element, explains the importance of Human Resource Management, its significant functions and relates why recruitment & selection is an important element in the HR process.
Moreover, an important area of the report is covered by the second element which is ‘Critical nature of Recruitment & Selection’. In this element, a clear study of theory relating to both of the functions recruitment & selection is discussed. Types of recruitment methods, steps which can be found in selection are illustrated.
The third element which is ‘How Recruitment & Selection influence other HRM functions’ reflects how other HRM functions can be affected by the outcomes of
References: * Saez, A. (2003). Importance of effective recruitment & selection. [online] Retrieved from: http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/importance-effective-recruitment-selection-4797.html [Accessed: 29 May 2013]. * Nankervis, A., and Compton, R., et al. (2001). Strategic Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. * Dessler, G. (2005). Human Resource Management. 10th ed. * Cascio, W. (2003). Managing Human Resources. 6th ed. * Nankervis, A., Compton, R. and Mccarthy, T. (2002). Strategic Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. * Fisher, C. and Schoenfeldt, L. (2006). Managing Human Resource.